

Fill in your details as much as possible to make an appointment. If necessary, we will contact you by phone. Make sure to reserve enough time for your appointment, a saddle fitting consultation will take on average one to one and a half hours.

Fitting horse riding boots is only possible in combination with saddle fitting consultation; please tick this box at the bottom of the contact form. Fitting riding boots takes about 35 minutes and you can configure the footwear via Kingsley Footwear Configurator.

Working hours
Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM.

Company details
Kriemhild Morgenroth by Akash Saddlery maakt onderdeel uit van de handelsnaam Akash Saddlery.

CoC-number: 69299854
IBAN: NL70 RABO 0322 8724 13